Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by Yara

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 5 star review by Yara.

Vivian Amberville is my new favourite epic fantasy series of the past 10-15 years.

5 April 18, 2019

Vivian Amberville is my new favourite epic fantasy series of the past 10-15 years! It's like Game of Thrones, full of twists and turns and incredible characters, set in a world that makes you insta-nostalgic. Everything is completely surreal as Vivian is a character who can jump realities and even cut reality in two. Her imagination, her thoughts are able to alter her reality, as she is a Weaver of odds, of immaterial things.

I love this saga. Unique, breath-taking, dark and humourous but escpecially inspiring! Do yourself a favour and order the paperbacks!