Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by Adrianne van W.

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 5 star review by Adrianne van W..

Unique fantasy story of epic proportions

5 March 02, 2019

Borrowed from the library of Enschede, the Netherlands and read it over the weekend. The story kept unfolding and unfolding, suckling me deeper and deeper into its amazing fantasy world, which by the way, is original, vast and mesmerizing. I thought to myself: how is this author not more known, but then I started googling Blackwick and realized she IS known, but not in a loud and screaming way, but in a exquisite storyteller way.

Vivian Amberville is what Harry Potter was to the 1990: a trendsetter. It's something completely unique altogether, being an epic philosophical fantasy with science fiction traces. You get this little girl whose imagination can reshape reality and everything that happens to her just sucks you right in.

I recommend this book to anyone who has an open mind and wants to lose themselves in a dark and twisted world where reality is everything you imagine it to be.

I enjoyed this story so much, I ended up buying several paperback copies, and since the author lives in the Netherlands (which I didn't know!) I received one of them signed by the author herself.

I heard the next book in the Vivian Amberville series is expected this year in bookstores across the Netherlands. It goes without saying I'll be buying the continuation!