Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by darkmindreader

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 5 star review by darkmindreader.

Picked up at the library. Excellent read!

5 August 31, 2018

Picked Vivian Amberville, the weaver of odds at the library in my town. It had the trippiest cover and I admit its blurb intrigued me, but nothing prepared me for the awesomeness I experienced while reading it. I actually had to return 4 times to the library to finish reading the book cos I'm a broke ass teen, don't ave no library card to borrow it either, but I really recommend anyone else who's a bit better off than me to invest in this book series. Totally worth the cash, it entertains, makes you laugh, and it makes you think. This author's work is a-mazing! You can actually read some of her stories for free on her website

Man, this fantasy was some trip and I can't wait for more releases!