Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by Thomas Jude

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 4 star review by Thomas Jude.

A book for teens that adults will enjoy!

4 November 09, 2017

I heard about Vivian Amberville - The Weaver of Odds through a friend in America and he enjoyed it so much I ordered my own copy.

I loved this book with all my heart and I can honestly say I see it become famous and mainstream soon enough, because it's that great!

The Vivian Amberville book is seemingly for teenagers, but my opinion is that only adults will truly come to appreciate it. It was clearly written for smart people.

Would recommend Vivian Amberville - The Weaver of Odds to every lover of great fiction and unique stories!