Community rating: 4.6 - Order now!

Community review by Irfan Refai

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 4 star review by Irfan Refai.

Layers within layers

4 April 21, 2017

Vivan Amberville tests our imagination by bringing quite an interesting mix of elements and creative visuals to the process. The story asks us to think within ourselves and I could reflect very well with Vivian and how we would behave given the powers.

I love the exploration of different worlds and how they affect each other. I love the intertwining of fate, destiny and the desire to change them at will.

In short, this book is a great read. I recommend it! :)