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Community review by Antoine

We are happy to find out what our readers think about the Vivian Amberville book series by and like to share their experience with everyone else. Therefore, we encourage everyone to read the reviews and post your own. Below, you find the 3 star review by Antoine.

Too little website content!

3 April 18, 2017

Yes, well I bought this book shortly after release and fell in love with it right away. But the thing is, on popular demand, the author started building this trivia page on the website, including extra info about creatures, characters and lore, and she hasn't updated it in over 3 months! She even promised to include a "more about the characters" page, and that hasn't happened yet either!

I understand she's working on the 2nd book and doesn't want to spoil things by expanding the trivia too much, but, well, she promised she would and now it's been 3 months since and not many pages have been added!

I put my whole soul into the universe of this book and simply can't go on not knowing what happens next or reading more about the book universe! The book is amazing and doesn't deserve a bad review but I'm leaving this 3 star one to trigger her to release more info, trivia and updates!